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The first CCS/U project in Eastern Europe

The first project in the Balkans to win funding under the EU Innovation Fund

Innovation Fund

The first project in Eastern Europe to win funding under the Innovation Fund in the amount of EUR 189,694,949


The ANRAV project aims to to save 7.8 Mt CO2eq for a period of 10 years

Carbon Neutrality

Heidelberg Materials aims to become the first of its kind carbon - neutral industrial installation in Bulgaria

"The ANRAV project is extremely important not only for us as a company but also for our country. At the same time, it is a precedent for Eastern Europe, and this puts us in the focus of a number of European and world institutions, which is extremely motivating for the whole team."

Константин Божинов
ANRAV Project Manager

The project will prevent the release of 7.8 Mt CO 2 during the first 10 years of operation of the capture plant and thus contribute to an estimated reduction of carbon emissions from Bulgarian industrial sources by 8.3%.

Devnya Cement AD in partnership with Petroceltic Bulgaria received grant funding in the amount of 189,694,949 euros from the European Innovation Fund.

Project start date: 01.01.2023.

Date of commissioning: 01.04.2028.


Amine technology and Oxyfuel technology

Through a pipeline

Storage in the Black Sea (depleted gas field)



Combining two innovative technologies Amine and Oxyfuel

Capture, liquefaction, transport and safe storage

Strategic partners:

They will be specified for the separate phases of capture, transport and storage

Annual quantity of captured carbon emissions:

Approximately 800 kt/ CO2 per year (approximately 99.2% of the emissions of Devnya Cement AD on an annual basis)

External Funding Requirement:


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Константин Божинов разказва за Проект ANRAV и пътя към декарбонизацията на циментовата индустрия

Линк до видео от неговото изявление по време на Форума и публикация на новината в Business.dir.bg: Константин Божинов, проект ANRAV: Нашият път към декарбонизация на циментовата индустрия | Бизнес.dir.bg

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